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25 March 2020

Exposed Magazine

Paul Heaton and Jacqui Abbot will play a free show for NHS staff working on the frontline of the Coronavirus pandemic in Nottingham later this year.

Paul, who spent his childhood in Sheffield, and Jacqui are giving away 9,000 tickets for the show in October. “Hospital staff can never be thanked enough”, Heaton said. “The Coronavirus pandemic should remind everyone, and let no-one forget, that our National Health Service is the most brilliant and significant institution in our lives.

“We are just musicians, so there is little we can do but sing for you. From the porters, the cleaners and the drivers, to the doctors and the nurses; thank you.”

The show will take place at Nottingham’s Motorpoint Arena on Tuesday 13 October. Tickets will be made available from Tuesday 31 March and will be limited to two per person. Attendees will need to bring a valid NHS or Primary Care Trust ID card when they attend the show.