Richard Hawley has unveiled details of two Leadmill shows to help support the Sheffield venue, which is at risk of closure following news that the landlord plans to evict the current operators.
These will be Hawley’s first headline shows at the Leadmill since he toured Cole’s Corner back in 2005.
Last month, the venue told music fans of the “devastating news that in one year’s time, our Landlord is trying to evict us, forcing us to close”, sparking an outpouring of support from, well, pretty much everyone and included two special shows from Eddie Izzard last weekend.
Hawley, who had previously shared his support for the venue after the news was shared, said in a statement: “Richard first played the Leadmill in 1984 with his then band Treebound Story. In the following decades he has played the venue more times than probably any other musician. Now to our horror The Leadmill is under threat from new landlords who have issued eviction orders after 42 years.
“As a mark of support and love for this legendary and unique venue Richard is proud to announce two shows at The Leadmill on August 8th and 9th.”
“These will be his most intimate Sheffield shows in a long time, so we suggest setting your alarms to avoid disappointment.”
The shows will take place on 8 and 9 August 8 and tickets for the gigs go on sale Wednesday, April 13 from 9am here.