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17 July 2023

Exposed Magazine

Making the most of your free time is more important as you get older, particularly because you tend to have less and less of it. Work and family responsibilities often take up a sizeable chunk of your week but you can always find some time to do what you enjoy.

Hobbies are so important to regulate stress levels and give you a break from the pressures of daily life. If you’ve always found it hard to decide what to do, or you need some new ideas, we’ve got some suggestions.

Take up a sport

Physical activity is great for your health and wellbeing but it can be incredibly fun and engaging, too. Team sports such as cricket, football or rugby are great for socialising and meeting new people, while more individual sports such as tennis, golf and swimming tend to be more tranquil and restorative.

Try your hand at photography

Capturing incredible scenery and fascinating moments with a camera is a true art. Photography gives you the opportunity to slow down, explore and take in some of the best sights going. You can upgrade your equipment to improve your shots or stick with old-fashioned methods to maintain the character of your photos.

Travel more

With more time and money, you have the opportunity to travel far and wide should you please. Experiencing new cultures and perspectives can truly transform your own view of the world and you’re likely to meet some memorable people along the way. Where have you always wanted to go?

Get to work in the garden

Whether you have a garden at home or an allotment nearby, sharpening your gardening skills is great fun and allows you to connect with nature on a deeper level. Plant some fruit and veg and watch them grow for a feeling of real satisfaction. You could also design a flower garden and transform your space into a colourful and energetic haven for wildlife.

Buy a boat and explore

Fancy stepping aboard your own vessel? With the right boat insurance, you can take to the rivers, canals and seas around the country and see it all from a very unique perspective. Learn how to maintain your craft and navigate the waterways. You could even create a permanent home on the water if you so wish.

Learn to play a musical instrument

For the musically inclined, playing an instrument can be very rewarding. You could pick up something that you played when you were younger or try something completely different. Once you’ve developed your skills enough, why not play in front of family and friends, or take to local venues to show off your talent?

There are endless ways in which you could spend your free time. Find something that you love and you’ll reap the rewards across many aspects of your life.