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14 October 2020

Exposed Magazine

One of the many harmful chemicals found in drinking water is lead. It can easily contaminate water when the water passes through pipes and faucets that contain this kind of metal. Recent studies have been demonstrating the dangers of lead-contaminated water consumption. The percentage of this metal might not be high in a single water cup, however, regularly drinking it will lead to a myriad of health risks in the long run.


Adults are not immune to this polluted water; the more they drink from it, the more likely they’re to develop different kinds of diseases. According to scientific research, doctors have found that adults can suffer from poor kidney function, increased blood pressure, reproductive issues, and horrible cardiovascular effects. It’s also safe to say the body will continue to develop long-term illnesses if it’s constantly watered with lead infused water. An example of this is the water contamination at camp lejeune where a lot of people got sick and are still being compensated to this day.

Dangerous for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women are already vulnerable to many external factors that can mess with their fetus’ health, like polluted air, smoke, etc. They obviously don’t need another risk factor to add to the list, especially when it’s polluted water. Lead-infused water is extremely dangerous for any woman carrying a  child. One of the many things that it can cause is early pregnancies, which aren’t the most ideal thing for the baby’s health or its parents. It can also decrease the growth rate of the baby or even slow it down, which is not normal and can lead to complications.

Children At Risk

Of course, children are one of the most vulnerable people, since their bodies are still growing and developing. According to medical examinations, children who consume lead infected water can develop anemia, behavioral and hearing problems, decreased growth, and a lower IQ. This is why it’s vital that you consult a water tech’s guide and have them check your water before your child comes near it. You don’t want your child to have learning disabilities or any of the aforementioned issues because they consumed polluted water.


Fortunately, you don’t have to be stuck with this polluted water because you can always install a water filter that can help you get rid of all the harmful chemicals that should be not entering your body. This is an investment that you need to make for your sake and your family’s too. Also, the process is really easy, so you’re not going to go through a lot of trouble when you’re installing the water filter.

Drinking water is one of the most basic and necessary things that we need to do every day. Our bodies cannot function without water and it certainly won’t be in a good condition if this water is polluted. This is why it’s important that you have a water guide who can show you whether your water is polluted or not. It’s also vital that you install a filter if your water is in fact contaminated. This will be one of your smartest essential investments because you’re ensuring your family’s well-being as well as yours too.