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30 May 2023

Exposed Magazine

Accommodation is a factor with a double impact on our total travel experience, as coming to a final choice could be a challenging process from the aspects of good & convenient location, affordable price and decent quality, but also because of making a choice that finally is proven not to be values for money, or having poor amenities, can alternate and leave a negative footprint on the whole travelling memory.

A famous option, that also does not require an extent searching process, consist of the so-called airport hotels.In most cases they can be found in proximity to the airport, but some brand-names have also a building in the heart of the city centre. They are actually an all-time popular choice for 2 main reasons. At first, they are renown for their wide and high-end amenities at a good price, as business centres, fitness and well-being facilities, on-site restaurants, 24h reception along with the comfort that their sound insulation provides, and on the other hand, shuttle services, luggage storage, park&fly options are making them ideal for exploring a destination effortlessly not matter the available time, as well as for a brief nigh-layover.
Browsing through all cheap airport hotel options on is the first step, although there are several secret tips and steps to be followed, that will boost your money-saving attempt regarding your accommodation.

  1. Comparison List

Conducting an online research for any kind of product or facility, does not come separately with comparing the outcome results. Whether you visit different possible accommodation websites, or thief-party providers, in the end it is mandatory to somehow make a comparison between them. This is the only way to be able to have a “winning” result, while taking into account all factories except for the price.

  1. Consider Off-Peak Travel

As predictable, everything, from tickets to accommodation, even museum fees, are more expensive in days and periods of high-demand, which also includes weekends, the time when most people are free from other responsibilities. If your work hands you with the necessary flexibility, prefer off-peak travelling, and save money from the standard expenses, to take advantage of otherwise.

  1. Pay attention to what’s included

It’s true that an airport hotel equalizes its distance from touristic locations, by providing high-end amenities at a very affordable price. Therefore, there might be several combo-packages at different price ranges, adjusted also to the extent of your staying.When you are booking for your room, read carefully the terms and conditions on what precisely is included in the price you are paying for, in order to avoid getting surprisingly extra-charged after having some quality self-time.

  1. Invest in the “relationship”

All good things take time. If you find a hotel brand that suits you better or its locations coincide the most with your destinations, and boldly show this preference, the company will notice and reward you. Seek for a loyalty card/program, where you can accumulate points with each reservation, and later on exchange them for specific services and discounts. Exclusive deals are also offered to loyal clients.

  1. Suggest a friend

Many companies and brands adapt to the mentality of “sharing is caring”. Refer the hotel to a friend, and gain a bonus discount for both of you, after their first booking.