Leopold Square launch ‘Busk Stop’ to give talented local musicians the opportunity to showcase their flair.
Sheffield’s buskers have been invited to join Leopold Square’s brand new Busk Stop initiative by offering up a space to play music every Friday.
With the square firing up its summer programme of free music on the weekend, organisers have been so impressed by some of the city’s talented buskers that they are offering their space on Friday between 5pm and 7pm.
Whether a guitarist wants to play their own songs or an acapella group would like to entertain visitors, the buskers are welcome to collect donations from visitors and passers-by.
Nick Yates from Leopold Square said: “The live music events we hold are always extremely popular and we’re excited to be launching our Busk Stop spot. It provides a perfect opportunity for talented local musicians to showcase their flair and we’re looking forward to bringing a wide range of musical styles to Leopold Square.”
Sheffield-based musicians who would like to get involved with the Busk Stop initiative can email leopoldsquare@pmwcom.co.uk with a short video, clip, or link to their music. All space must be pre-booked.